Career Summary

1956 Born in Omsk ( Siberia, Russia )
1973 - 1978 Student of Physics Dep. of Tashkent University (USSR)
1978 - 1980 Junior researcher, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna
1980 - 1981 Research Associate, Lab. of High Energy Physics, JINR, Dubna
1981 - 1990 Accelerator Engineer, Linear Induction Accelerator, JINR, Dubna
1985 Ph.D. degree in physics and mathematics, JINR, Dubna
1990 Invited Lecturer, Math. Dep., Kalinin University (Russia)
1990 - 1996 Research Scientist, Lab. of Neutron Physics, JINR, Dubna
1997 Senior Research Scientist, Lab. of Neutron Physics, JINR, Dubna
1993 Guest Researcher at University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria
1994 Guest Researcher at UNISA, Pretoria
1995 Guest Researcher at UNISA, Pretoria
1996 Guest Researcher at Bonn University, Germany
1996 Guest Researcher at UNISA, Pretoria
1998 Guest Researcher at Bonn University, Germany
1997 - 1998 Researcher at UNISA, Pretoria
1999 Guest Researcher at Bonn University, Germany
1999 - 2000 Lecturer, Department of Physics, UNISA, Pretoria
2000 Guest Researcher at Bonn University, Germany
since 2001 Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, UNISA, Pretoria
2002 University Diploma in Datametrics
(2 year education in computer science) UNISA, Pretoria

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